Can God Create A Rock So Heavy That He Cannot Lift It?
The Ontological Argument

Can God Create A Rock So Heavy That He Cannot Lift It?

Many times when talking with non-believers, they will appeal to some sort of one-liner or meme to render their unbelief…
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Aren’t Christians Just A Bunch Of Hypocrites?
Criticisms Of Christians

Aren’t Christians Just A Bunch Of Hypocrites?

One charge that has been lodged at Christians over the years is that we’re all just a bunch of hypocrites….
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Does John 20:29 Teach That We Should Have Blind Faith?
Christian Witnessing Other Atheist Criticisms

Does John 20:29 Teach That We Should Have Blind Faith?

I wrote a blog post a while back titled “Biblical Faith VS.Blind Faith”. The point I was making was explicit in…
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Should Christian Children Hunt Easter Eggs?
Christian Life Issues

Should Christian Children Hunt Easter Eggs?

Easter Sunday is tomorrow and many children will be engaging in a timeless holiday custom known as Easter Egg hunting….
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The Afterlife

Does The Bible Teach An Immediate Afterlife Before The Resurrection?

When man dies, does think he goes right to Heaven, or does he go into a soul sleep until the…
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On Talking Snakes and Donkeys
Alleged Bible Contradictions/Errors

On Talking Snakes and Donkeys

One criticism that’s become extremely common from atheists is the mention of talking animals in The Bible, specifically the snake…
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The Historical Reliability Of The New Testament

Can We Not Trust The Gospels Because They’re Biased?

Many skeptics claim that we can’t trust what the New Testament authors said because they’re bias. They said that they…
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Alleged Bible Contradictions/Errors Catholicism

Faith or Works?

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God, NOT…
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