The Lost World or The Gnostic World?
The film Is Genesis History? has gained a lot of attention from Christians and Non-Christians alike. Young Earth Creationists loved it, Non-Christians ridiculed it, and Old Earth and Evolutionary Creationists…
The film Is Genesis History? has gained a lot of attention from Christians and Non-Christians alike. Young Earth Creationists loved it, Non-Christians ridiculed it, and Old Earth and Evolutionary Creationists…
Before I became an Evolutionary Creationist, I spent two years combing through the theological and scientific literature. I read lots of blog posts on BioLogo.org, and read books written by…
I recently wrote a blog post called "The Cosmic Temple View Of Genesis 1" which defends an interpretation that says that Genesis 1 is not an account of material origins,…
Recently, I wrote a blog post defending an interpretation of Genesis 1 called "The Cosmic Temple Inauguration View" which you can read about by clicking here. In this blog post,…
In this post, I continue addressing William Lane Craig's Critique of The Cosmic Temple Inaguration view of Genesis 1 (CTI) defended in books such as John Walton's The Lost World…
William Lane Craig is my number 1 all time favorite Christian philosopher and apologist. He is the one Christian Apologist whose views most closely align with my own concerning Arguments…
Genesis 1 is perhaps one of the most controversial and hotly debated passages in the entire Bible. There are many different interpretations of this chapter that have been proposed over…
Hi, I’m a deist from Thailand How would you answer objections to biblical God such as Argument number 1 Premise 1: There is no such thing as BEFORE time since…
When it comes to investigating the evidences and arguments for and against worldviews, we need to realize that we human beings are not mere thinking machines; only considering the facts…
When I logged onto Facebook today, I was saddened to find out that apologist and prolific author Dr. Norman Geisler had passed away at the age of 87. Norman Geisler…