The Kalam Cosmological Argument

This argument demonstrates that a transcendent Creator brought the universe into being out of nothing a finite time ago, relying on the fact of the law of causality and scientific evidence that the universe had a beginning.

The Moral Argument

This argument demonstrates that the existence of objective moral values and duties point to God. If God did not exist, objective moral values and duties would not exist. But since objective moral values and duties do exist, it follows that God exists.

The Argument From Beauty

Ever noticed how beautiful nature is? From the spring flowers to the red, yellow, and orange colors of autumn leaves to the starry night sky. From the dawn of man, humanity has marveled at the beauty of the world. What if I told you that such beauty could be best explained by the world having a Masterful Artist behind it?

The Fine-Tuning Argument

Over the past 50 years, scientists have discovered that the laws and the constants of nature unexpectedly conspire in an extraordinary way to make the universe habitable for life. If the laws of physics were marginally different, life could not exist in the universe. In these posts, I argue that Intelligent Design is the best explanation for why the universe is so finely tuned.

The Ontological Argument

The possbility of God's existence entails that God exists.

The Transcendental Argument

The very fact that we can reason is best explained on a theistic worldview.

The Local Fine-Tuning Argument

Not only are the laws of physics precisely calibrated so that life can exist, but even our own galaxy, solar system, and Earth-Moon plantary system have to be precisely as they are for life to be possible. In these blog posts, I argue that the best explanation for the local fine tuning is Intelligent Design.

The Contingency Argument

The very existence of the universe points to God.