Hi Evan,
I’ve recently stumbled across your online resources from a Cross-Examined post you wrote. Your content has been extremely helpful in my “acceptance” of theistic evolution since I am both a scientist and a Christian. Also, I have a passion for apologetics and wonder how many more people would accept the Gospel message if they could get away from a literal Gen. 1 interpretation or a YEC viewpoint! Or, if they didn’t treat it like essential doctrine…
I really enjoy listening to Greg Koukl’s podcast in addition to Frank Turek. It’s clear they are both OEC, but they are surprisingly firm with discounting macro-evolution (which they admit presents too much of a conflict with Adam). I think they should read some of your posts to help reconcile that, which have shaped my personal convictions.
Finally, here is my question…How can we convince Bible-believing Christians that theistic evolution is not “Progressive Christianity” that seems to be on the rise?
It’s fantastic that Frank Turek respected your (our) viewpoints enough to post them in his blog section! I hope that other apologists will follow suit and realize what a big stumbling block this is for Christians (including myself at one point!).
I don’t believe God is trying to deceive us by forcing us to accept a literal viewpoint when He gave us the ability to discover His creation using natural laws that He created! I think this will be especially important in the future, especially to gap-theorists, which undermine God’s development of creation in my mind.
Lastly, do you have any recommendations for podcasts or content from apologists you know of that are at least open to theistic evolution?
Thank You!
I’m thrilled that my articles helped you sort this out! But of course, I need to give credit to Professor John Walton of Wheaton and College and The BioLogos Foundation, as they helped me sort all this out which I then wrote about. Walton’s “The Lost World Of Genesis One” and “The Lost World Of Adam and Eve” were pivotal, especially the latter since I’m firmly committed to a historical Adam and I used to see no way to reconcile that with evolution. Ultimately though, I give all glory to God for leading me to this helpful material.
If we include Christians of all academia and not simply those who actively defend the truth of Christianity against skeptics, (Old and New Testament scholars, theologians, etc.) the list would be expanded to include John Walton, Michael Heiser, Brian Godawa, Tremper Longman III, J.B Stump, Peter Enns, and Francis Collins. I’d recommend checking these guys out.
*“William Lane Craig’s Criticisms Of The Cosmic Temple View Of Genesis One (Part 1)”
*”William Lane Craig’s Criticisms Of The Cosmic Temple View Of Genesis One (Part 2)”