Cutting Off A Hand For Grabbing Testicles? A Look At Deuteronomy 25:11-12.
The Torah is full of all kinds of laws that Israel was to obey. That is why the first five books of The Old Testament are called "The Law". However,…
The Torah is full of all kinds of laws that Israel was to obey. That is why the first five books of The Old Testament are called "The Law". However,…
A Roman Stoic philosopher named Dio Chrysostom (40-115 AD) explicitly condemned slavery in his 15th discourse "On Slavery and Freedom II (See 15:24-28). It was in the context of a…
Good morning/afternoon/evening! I was chatting with people in a Christian discord server and one guy had questions regarding human sacrifice in the bible. He brought up Exodus and I showed…
Hi, I'm a Christian who's been having....philosophical shower thoughts, let's just say. These thoughts I've been getting have made me doubt my faith and I need help.So I've been thinking...what…
Atheists frequently mock God through memes or tweets or social comments that basically go something like the following; "God says 'Love me or I'll torture you forever!' such a good…
This is a guest post written by Phillip Mast. To see more articles by Mr. Mast, go to his blog Theist Thug Life by clicking here. As what tends to…
When atheists accuse God of being immoral, they usually point to nasty Old Testament accounts like the conquest of Canaan, God sicking two female bears on a group of youths…
Some non-Christians, mainly Muslims, ask why Jesus had to die on the cross in order for us to be saved. "Why does God need a blood sacrifice?" They'll ask, "Why…
The Bible teaches that "God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life" (John…
One recurring objection that non-Christians keep bringing up is the issue of God's jealousy. The Bible clearly teaches that jealousy is a sin. Galatians 5:26 says, “Let us not become…