The 5 Best Books On Molinism (GoodReads Reviews)
I am a Molinist. If you've followed this blog or my podcast for any amount of time, that should come as no surprise to you. I believe Molinism is to…
I am a Molinist. If you've followed this blog or my podcast for any amount of time, that should come as no surprise to you. I believe Molinism is to…
My parents are really supportive of my ministry and encourage me to pursue apologetic and theological study as much as I can. They have been supportive of me since I…
Hi Evan,I am a Christian from Singapore.My question is with regard to my conversations with my friend who is a skeptic/atheist.She is very friendly and respects my faith, but whenever…
Continuing my blog series on Genesis, I'll today be evaluating another critic of The Cosmic Temple Inauguration Interpretation of Genesis 1, defended in John Walton's "The Lost World Of Genesis…
On a young earth creationist website,, I stumbled across a paper criticizing The Archetypal view of Adam and Eve put forth in John Walton's book The Lost World Of…
On a young earth creationist website,, I stumbled across a paper criticizing The Archetypal view of Adam and Eve put forth in John Walton's book The Lost World Of…
The film Is Genesis History? has gained a lot of attention from Christians and Non-Christians alike. Young Earth Creationists loved it, Non-Christians ridiculed it, and Old Earth and Evolutionary Creationists…
Before I became an Evolutionary Creationist, I spent two years combing through the theological and scientific literature. I read lots of blog posts on, and read books written by…
I recently wrote a blog post called "The Cosmic Temple View Of Genesis 1" which defends an interpretation that says that Genesis 1 is not an account of material origins,…
Recently, I wrote a blog post defending an interpretation of Genesis 1 called "The Cosmic Temple Inauguration View" which you can read about by clicking here. In this blog post,…