Q&A: Combination Naturalistic Theories, The Probability Of Miracles, and Jesus’ Resurrection

Mr. Minton,First of all, thank you so much for your huge body of work on this site. I've been diving deep into the question of Christianity's truth lately and your…

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A Few Of Chris Hansen’s Problem With My Case For Jesus’ Resurrection

Recently, The Capturing Christianity Facebook Page posted "What is your favorite argument For Christianity?" I said that The Minimal Facts Argument For Jesus' resurrection is. And then This Conversation Ensued...…

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Leviathan Is A Dinosaur From Your Imagination (And So Is Behemoth)

Dinosaurs are fascinating creatures! Ever since childhood, I have been enthralled by these monstrous lizards who lived so long ago. My favorite dinosaur was and still is; the mighty T-Rex!…

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