Logical Fallacy Series — Part 4: The Genetic Fallacy
This is part 4 in a series I'm doing on logical fallacies. A logical fallacy is a mistake in reasoning. Just as someone can stumble on occasions while walking, so…
This is part 4 in a series I'm doing on logical fallacies. A logical fallacy is a mistake in reasoning. Just as someone can stumble on occasions while walking, so…
This is the first part in an ongoing series on logical fallacies. In this series of blog posts, I will be addressing all of the different logical fallacies people often…
More than once, I’ve given The Kalam Cosmological Argument in an online discussion with an atheist, and more than once, he’s rebutted me saying that The Big Bang is not…
Blogging is a great way to reach souls for Christ, especially in a world where everyone is blogging and everyone is reading blogs. Many people are attacking the faith through…
Christian Apologetics is the art of defending the Christian faith. Apologetics can be done in 2 different forms; offensive and defensive. Offensive apologetics involves giving a positive case for the…
Hi, I have always been fond of William Lane Craig's appeal to personal experiences. A person can know that God exists just by the witness of the Holy Spirit. However,…
One rebuttal to The Kalam Cosmological Argument I’ve seen is the argument that the first premise (i.e “whatever begins to exist has a cause”) cannot be confirmed because we have…
Is there anything wrong with The Sinner's Prayer? Well, first, what is "The Sinner's Prayer"? If you've been to a few churches and have heard the gospel preached, you've probably…