Shiny Pokemon and A Finely Tuned Universe
People who know me personally know that I have been a big fan of the Pokemon games since I was 7 years old, and even though I'm grown, I still…
People who know me personally know that I have been a big fan of the Pokemon games since I was 7 years old, and even though I'm grown, I still…
This is part 8 in a series of blog posts on biblical hermenuetics. Hermenuetics is a set of principles for coming to correct interpretations of passages in The Bible. I…
This is part 7 on a series on biblical hermenuetics. Biblical hermenuetics is the art and science of biblical interpretation. In the previous blog post, we looked at the principle…
This is part 6 in a series of blog posts on biblical hermenuetics. Hermenuetics is a set of principles for coming to correct interpretations of passages in The Bible. I…
This is a series on biblical hermenuetics. Hermenuetics is the art and science of biblical interpretation. Just as scientists follow a set of rules called The Scientific Method in order…
This is part 4 of a series on biblical hermenuetics. Hermenuetics is the art and science of biblical intepretation. It is a set of rules that you should apply when…
This blog post is one part in a series on biblical hermenuetics. In the introduction to this series, I explained what biblical hermenuetics is and why it's so important. In…
This is part 2 of a series on biblical hermenuetics. In the previous post, I explained what biblical hermeneutics is and why it's important. Biblical hermeneutics is the study of…
The word "hermenuetics" is, for some reason, a foreign term for a lot of Christians. Even though they grew up in the church or, even if they didn't grow up…
I'm actively learning about Molinism and when in a small debate with a calvinism they asked me if God or man is the terminus of Salvation? I thought it adequate…