5 People Who Came To Faith (And 1 Who Stayed) Through Christian Apologetics

Christian Apologetics is the art of defending the Christian faith. Apologetics can be done in 2 different forms; offensive and defensive. Offensive apologetics involves giving a positive case for the…

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Q & A: Does The Story of Abraham and Isaac Support Human Sacrifice?

This image is by Oleg Volodin and is the copyright of Wycliff Russia. It is licensed to FreeBibleImages.org for personal and teaching use under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International…

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Read more about the article Q and A: Is Worship Of Jesus Idolatry?
Photo by Luis Quintero on Pexels.com

Q and A: Is Worship Of Jesus Idolatry?

Question of the week: is worshiping Jesus akin to pagan idolatry since he was truly a   man? -- Richard ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wouldn't necessarily be idol worship. While it's true that…

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