Q&A: The MASSIVE Argument

Peace of Christ, Mr.Minton, hope you enjoy probabilities. I was rereading our last interaction and noticed how I said Yahweh is more probable than phoenixes purely through a more massive…

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Q&A: Various Methods

Peace of Christ, Mr. Minton, may God bless you and the ministry abundantly. As I was watching a Kyle Alander video on his approach to christian apologetics and how it was different…

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Q&A: Having Rock Solid Faith?

Hi Evan,  first of all I want to let you know that I really appreciate people like you who stand-up for our faith and defend it with all your heart…

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Q&A: The Miraculous and The Efficacy Of Arguments

Straight to the questions.This initial group is about an atheist claim. Not a familiar one. Essentially, the atheist asks for evidence for God and the Christian then goes on to give arguments for God. The atheist then responds arguments aren't evidence. This is principally the tag line for…

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