Q&A: Who Will Fight The Good Social Media Fight For Christ?
Hello Mr.Minton, I am Andro Rizk and I have a question for you. But a bit of background first, I am very new to your blog but from what I read…
Hello Mr.Minton, I am Andro Rizk and I have a question for you. But a bit of background first, I am very new to your blog but from what I read…
This is a fantastic apologetics/biblical studies book. Anyone wanting to be a serious apologist for Christianity or for those who have intellectual stumbling blocks to becoming a Christian because of…
I read "How Not To Read The Bible" by Dan Kimball. It's very good. It's basically a big response to the "Evil Bible" crowd. Claims from bible verses attempting to…
Ben Stanhope does an excellent job of pointing out the exegetical fallacies of Young Earth Creationism in general and of the claims of The Creation Museum in particular. Young Earth…
The title of this blog post says "Book Review (Sort Of)..." because what I'm going to be reviewing isn't technically a book. It's an App. NIV Live is an App…
Hi Mr. Minton. I've been following your blog since earlier this year. I discovered it during my lurking hours in the internet while this whole pandemic was going on. I…
Hello, Mr. MintonI hope you're having a good day.I have with me a question brought about by reading countless articles on this certain topic. I first saw a post in…
Hi! I don't speak English, so I hope my question is well translated: What is one way to prove that we humans are bad because of our corrupt nature? I…
This is a guest post written By David Pallmann. Introduction A number of years ago, Christian astrophysicist and young earth creationist Dr. Jason Lisle wrote a book entitled The Ultimate…
Good day, Mr Minton, I've happened to stumble upon your blog post on the Kalam Cosmological Argument, and I seem to have a few objections which I don't think you…